
Nama Lengkap:
Ahmad Yusuf Ismail, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D.


Sertifikasi Dosen :
Sudah tersertifikasi dosen

Jabatan Fungsional :
Asisten Ahli

Jabatan Struktural :

  • Kepala Laboratorium Desain, Pneumatik, dan Hidrolik (21 Agustus 2017-21 September 2018)
  • Ketua Jurusan Teknik Mesin ITATS (7 September 2018-21 Februari 2019)
  • Kepala Laboratorium CAD (21 Maret 2023-sekarang)
  • Koordinator Tugas Menggambar Mesin (21 Maret 2023-sekarang)
  • Kepala LPPM (Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat) ITATS (31 Mei 2023-31 Januari 2024)
  • Ketua Program Studi Teknik Mesin (1 Februari 2024-sekarang)
  • Plt Wakil Rektor 1 Bidang Integrasi Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat pada Pembelajaran (-sekarang)
  • Ketua Satgas Pencegahan & Penanganan Kekerasan Seksual Institut (-sekarang)

Bidang Keahlian:
Desain Sistem Mekanikal

PDDIKTI Kemdikbud:



Google Scholar:

Website :



  • S1 – Teknik Mesin – Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember
  • S2 – Teknik Mesin – Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka
  • S3 – Teknik Mesin – Kunsan National University, South Korea

Sertifikasi / Certification :

  • 1 September 2023 – Mechanical Drawing – Lembaga Sertifikasi Profesi Elektronika Indonesia
  • 24 Maret 2024 – Junior Expert in Mechanical Engineering – Lembaga Sertifikasi Profesi Petakindo Konstruksi Mandiri

Workshop, Seminar, Webinar, dan Pelatihan / Workshop, Seminar, Webinar, and Training :

  • 2023 – Mechanical Drawing – PT. Faza Utama Sejahtera


  • Pemrograman Komputer
  • Statika Struktur
  • Kinematika dan Dinamika
  • Elemen Mesin

Publikasi Ilmiah:

  1. AY Ismail, M Ulum, A Noerpamoengkas. PENGARUH DIAMETER LUBANG, RASIO PERFORASI DAN SAMBUNGAN ANTAR PANEL TERHADAP FREKUENSI NATURAL PANEL BERLUBANG GANDA. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Sains dan Teknologi Terapan, 2018, 413-418. (Link)
  2. AY Ismail, A Noerpamoengkas, S Zakaria. Effect of Micro-holes Addition on the Natural Frequency and Mode Shape of Perforated Plates. Journal of Advanced Research in Applied Sciences and Engineering Technology, 2018, Vol. 11, Issue 1, 1-6. (Link)
  3. A Noerpamoengkas, AY Ismail, MF Mahamudin. Effect of surface imperfections on the thermocouple performance. Journal of Advanced Research in Applied Mechanics, 2017, 34 (1), 10-14. (Link)
  4. A.Y. Ismail,  M. J. Chen , M. F. Azizi and M. A. Sis. 2016. Experimental Investigation on the use of Natural Waste Fibres as Acoustic Material of Noise Silencer. J. of Advanced Research in Materials Science. 1-10.
  5. A. Y. Ismail, N.A. Shadid, A.M. Nizam. 2016. Development of green curtain noise barrier using natural waste vibration. J. of Advanced Research in Materials Science. 1-9.
  6. A.Y. Ismail, M. Hashim, radzi. Improved sound absorption performance of nonwoven fabric using fabric facing and air back cavity. Engineering Technology International Conference, ETIC 2016. MTUN Malaysia. Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, 4-5 August 2016.
  7. A.Y. Ismail, A. Ahmad. A simulation study on the modal analysis of perforated plates. MERD 2016. UTeM. Melaka, 30 March 2016.
  8. A. Y. Ismail, N.R.M, Nuri, M.A. Mansor, M.F. Shukri, M.A.A. Johari. 2015. Study on the road transmitted vibration of a mountain bicyle. Jurnal Teknologi. 27-31.
  9. Ismail, A.Y. Experimental study on the effect of road transmitted vibration to a mountain bicycle. MERD 2015. UTeM. Melaka, 31 March 2015.
  10. A. Putra, Ismail, A.Y. 2014. Normal Incidence of Sound Transmission Loss from Perforated Plates with Micro and Macro Size Holes. Advances in Acoustics and Vibration. 1-13.
  11. Putra, Ismail, A.Y., Ramlan, R. Ayob, M.R, Py, M.S. 2013. Normal incidence of sound transmission loss of a double-leaf partition inserted with a microperforated panel. Advances in Acoustics and Vibration. 1-9.
  12. Putra, Ismail, A.Y. Ayob, M.R. 2013. Sound transmission loss of a double-leaf partition with micro-perforated plate insertion under diffuse field insidence. International Journal of Automotive and Mechanical Engineering. 1086-1095.
  13. Ismail, A.Y. insertion of a micro-perforated panel to improve sound transmission loss of a double-leaf partition. ICEI 2012. UTeM. Melaka, 4-5 April 2012.