Nama Lengkap:
Ahmad Yusuf Ismail, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D.
Sertifikasi Dosen :
Sudah tersertifikasi dosen
Jabatan Fungsional :
Asisten Ahli
Jabatan Struktural :
- Kepala Laboratorium Desain, Pneumatik, dan Hidrolik (21 Agustus 2017-21 September 2018)
- Ketua Jurusan Teknik Mesin ITATS (7 September 2018-21 Februari 2019)
- Kepala Laboratorium CAD (21 Maret 2023-sekarang)
- Koordinator Tugas Menggambar Mesin (21 Maret 2023-sekarang)
- Kepala LPPM (Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat) ITATS (31 Mei 2023-31 Januari 2024)
- Ketua Program Studi Teknik Mesin (1 Februari 2024-sekarang)
- Plt Wakil Rektor 1 Bidang Integrasi Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat pada Pembelajaran (-sekarang)
- Ketua Satgas Pencegahan & Penanganan Kekerasan Seksual Institut (-sekarang)
Bidang Keahlian:
Desain Sistem Mekanikal
PDDIKTI Kemdikbud:
Google Scholar:
Website :
- S1 – Teknik Mesin – Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember
- S2 – Teknik Mesin – Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka
- S3 – Teknik Mesin – Kunsan National University, South Korea
Sertifikasi / Certification :
- 1 September 2023 – Mechanical Drawing – Lembaga Sertifikasi Profesi Elektronika Indonesia
- 24 Maret 2024 – Junior Expert in Mechanical Engineering – Lembaga Sertifikasi Profesi Petakindo Konstruksi Mandiri
Workshop, Seminar, Webinar, dan Pelatihan / Workshop, Seminar, Webinar, and Training :
- 2023 – Mechanical Drawing – PT. Faza Utama Sejahtera
- Pemrograman Komputer
- Statika Struktur
- Kinematika dan Dinamika
- Elemen Mesin
Publikasi Ilmiah:
- AY Ismail, M Ulum, A Noerpamoengkas. PENGARUH DIAMETER LUBANG, RASIO PERFORASI DAN SAMBUNGAN ANTAR PANEL TERHADAP FREKUENSI NATURAL PANEL BERLUBANG GANDA. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Sains dan Teknologi Terapan, 2018, 413-418. (Link)
- AY Ismail, A Noerpamoengkas, S Zakaria. Effect of Micro-holes Addition on the Natural Frequency and Mode Shape of Perforated Plates. Journal of Advanced Research in Applied Sciences and Engineering Technology, 2018, Vol. 11, Issue 1, 1-6. (Link)
- A Noerpamoengkas, AY Ismail, MF Mahamudin. Effect of surface imperfections on the thermocouple performance. Journal of Advanced Research in Applied Mechanics, 2017, 34 (1), 10-14. (Link)
- A.Y. Ismail, M. J. Chen , M. F. Azizi and M. A. Sis. 2016. Experimental Investigation on the use of Natural Waste Fibres as Acoustic Material of Noise Silencer. J. of Advanced Research in Materials Science. 1-10.
- A. Y. Ismail, N.A. Shadid, A.M. Nizam. 2016. Development of green curtain noise barrier using natural waste vibration. J. of Advanced Research in Materials Science. 1-9.
- A.Y. Ismail, M. Hashim, radzi. Improved sound absorption performance of nonwoven fabric using fabric facing and air back cavity. Engineering Technology International Conference, ETIC 2016. MTUN Malaysia. Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, 4-5 August 2016.
- A.Y. Ismail, A. Ahmad. A simulation study on the modal analysis of perforated plates. MERD 2016. UTeM. Melaka, 30 March 2016.
- A. Y. Ismail, N.R.M, Nuri, M.A. Mansor, M.F. Shukri, M.A.A. Johari. 2015. Study on the road transmitted vibration of a mountain bicyle. Jurnal Teknologi. 27-31.
- Ismail, A.Y. Experimental study on the effect of road transmitted vibration to a mountain bicycle. MERD 2015. UTeM. Melaka, 31 March 2015.
- A. Putra, Ismail, A.Y. 2014. Normal Incidence of Sound Transmission Loss from Perforated Plates with Micro and Macro Size Holes. Advances in Acoustics and Vibration. 1-13.
- Putra, Ismail, A.Y., Ramlan, R. Ayob, M.R, Py, M.S. 2013. Normal incidence of sound transmission loss of a double-leaf partition inserted with a microperforated panel. Advances in Acoustics and Vibration. 1-9.
- Putra, Ismail, A.Y. Ayob, M.R. 2013. Sound transmission loss of a double-leaf partition with micro-perforated plate insertion under diffuse field insidence. International Journal of Automotive and Mechanical Engineering. 1086-1095.
- Ismail, A.Y. insertion of a micro-perforated panel to improve sound transmission loss of a double-leaf partition. ICEI 2012. UTeM. Melaka, 4-5 April 2012.